The internet was born on desktop devices but it now resides in our pockets – or more often our palms, since we rarely stop using our mobile devices long enough these days to put them away. When Satoshi published his white paper in October 2008, desktop was still the preferred means of doing business on the web, but all that was about to change. 14 months earlier, Steve Jobs had unveiled the iPhone, ushering in the stirrings of what would become the mobile revolution.

There was just one problem: most of these new cryptocurrencies weren’t actually spendable. They were more like future currencies, that would be usable in around 18 months’ time when the development team got round to releasing Android and iOS wallets. Bitcoin might be expensive to send and ripple might be pointless to send, but at least they can be used as a form of currency, P2P or P2B. Good luck transforming the lives of the unbanked with your “cheap and fast” transactions that can only be sent from desktop wallet to desktop wallet.
iOS Ain’t Easy

Ripple, cardano, stellar, IOTA, and EOS all lack proprietary iOS wallets, with ripple and stellar at least spendable using third party wallets. Venture outside the top 10 and very few coins have a mobile wallet; monero for example is still waiting on full iOS support. Mobile wallets take time and tinkering to perfect, so it’s not the fault of development teams that they’re unable to push these apps out overnight. But until they do, all their talk of being able to support thousands of transactions a second and enable peer to peer exchange is just that – talk.
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