Cryptocurrency is Now Completely Integral to FX Trading Integral, the Palo Alto headquartered institutional FX cloud platform, has expanded its market data offering for cryptocurrencies to include fourteen major cryptocurrencies. It now covers bitcoin, bitcoin cash, Ethereum and more, connecting to sixteen major exchange sources across the U.S., Europe and Asia, including Japan and Hong Kong. “An accurate, stable, and reliable reference price is a requirement for any market maker,” said Harpal Sandhu, CEO of Integral. “The Cryptocurrency Market Data Service connects to the most price sources and applies the most advanced price discovery algorithm available.” Founded in 1993, Integral maintains offices in California, New York, London, Tokyo, Singapore and Bangalore. It is the financial technology partner of many banks, brokers, and investment managers who rely on it to design and deliver their FX operations. Among its over sixty FX client banks around the world, it lists the U.S’...