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Showing posts from September, 2018

Every Nigerian owes China N15,000 – Political analysts

by   Agunbiade Sanya   For the N3 trillion Nigeria has received from  China  in the last four years, every Nigerian owes China N15,000 in debt. That’s just N3,000 short of minimum wage,  Daily Trust  reports. The debt comes from two huge tranches of aid from China: $3.1 billion in 2014 and $6 billion for infrastructure in the last three years, according to political analyst Theophilus Abbah. Share Simple mathematics. Divide the combined total, just over N3 trillion, by the 198 million population Nigeria always talks about: that’s a nice N15,000 in debt to China for every Nigerian. And that doesn’t even include the loan agreement signed this week in Beijing where China pledged $60 billion in credit facilities, a quarter of it interest free. Analysts say getting governments indebted to China is the republic’s way of outsmarting the US and the UK in Africa trade

New National Minimum wage report to be submitted next week.

By Johnbosco Agbakwuru ABUJA— BARING any last minutes change, the tripartite committee approved by the Federal Government to review the minimum wage will submit its report this week. Although the committee was supposed to present its report last month, the public holidays to mark Eid-el-Kabir affected the date. It was  gathered that the committee met, yesterday, at Trsnscorp Hilton, Abuja and a highly placed source privy to the meeting said that the organised labour was pressing that the report be concluded today. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that though the government representatives had requested for more time,  labour felt the report of the committee had been delayed for too long. “We are pressing that the report is made ready today. We are supposed to conclude everything about the report in August but the Sallah holiday affected the planned date. Though the government representatives have requested for more time, we feel that it is long ove