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Every Nigerian owes China N15,000 – Political analysts

by   Agunbiade Sanya   For the N3 trillion Nigeria has received from  China  in the last four years, every Nigerian owes China N15,000 in debt. That’s just N3,000 short of minimum wage,  Daily Trust  reports. The debt comes from two huge tranches of aid from China: $3.1 billion in 2014 and $6 billion for infrastructure in the last three years, according to political analyst Theophilus Abbah. Share Simple mathematics. Divide the combined total, just over N3 trillion, by the 198 million population Nigeria always talks about: that’s a nice N15,000 in debt to China for every Nigerian. And that doesn’t even include the loan agreement signed this week in Beijing where China pledged $60 billion in credit facilities, a quarter of it interest free. Analysts say getting governments indebted to China is the republic’s way of outsmarting the US and the UK in Africa trade
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EZeugo Is the Right Candidate For Idemili North Constituency.

A sound mind is a healthy body, unfortunately most of our people suffer from various diseases as a result of their life style,water the drink, type of food the eat (poor dieting) and drugs abuse which in return leads to many complications in the later stages of their lives. Majority of our people over the age of fourty  suffer from specific health problems E.g heart diseases, advanced diabetes, blood pressure (BP). In my view the issue of health is not limited to health services, health is a specific culture that can be attened by harmonizing body and mind. To reach this health conditions, in addition to a good healthy services, base on my background in Health and Environmental Safety (HES) I Ezeugo have a good health investment programs that will help improve following area - health education, Custom and traditions, food and environmental hygiene, sports, provisions of safe drinking water, public awareness in various aspects of life. Ezeugo have all it take to make Idemili bat


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Ezeugo For Idemili North Constituency in Anambra State House of Assembly 2019.

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The Satoshi Revolution – Chapter 5: ICOs

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